Category Archives: Books



For the month of October I’ve decided that I’m going to read as many horror novels as I can. The fact of the matter is I will probably only finish one… maybe two at best but at least I’m reading. (btw I finished My Booky Wook and it was fantastic. I highly recommend it.)

So the first and possibly only horror novel that I will read this upcoming month is Dracula by Bram Stoker.

Dear Kaoru

I just wanted to note how freaky this next part is.

How does it know? *shifty eyes*

I realize that was quite a bit of reading, but you were curious!


My Booky Wook

I started reading this a few days ago. I think it’s pretty excellent so far. But I’m bias, I think he’s amazing.



I have another book to add to my bookshelf of books I haven’t touched since I bought them.


I think this book will be so amazing. I can’t wait to start it. Seth Grahame-Smith is also coming out with Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters.

Breaking Dawn

I finished reading Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer, the fourth and final book of the Twilight series. I have to admit that it slightly sucked balls. She tried to cram too many things into one book, tying up every loose end possible. It totally went down a path I didn’t want to go. So all in all, the first and third book in my opinion were the strongest of the 4 book series. Too bad she couldn’t end it properly.